The company “Mereghetti Giuseppe” was born in 1983, in the city of Robecchetto con Induno, Milan. It commercialized only linings for quality footwear, totally made in Italy. In 1994, it becomes “GlomerPelliSrl”: it imports raw materials (goats and sheep skins) from Africa, China, India. The processing ofthe lining is combined to that of the shoe upper, both outsourced to other companies, expert in the turning of raw materials into part-finished, for footwear and leather goods. In 2009, his son Marco, started up “Mira Tannery”: a production plant where the entire phase of leather processing takes place; alongside the "GlomerPelli". Given the particular attention paid to environmental protection, the Mira tannery has taken part into the local water purification plant, whose objective is to reduce environment impact and to prevent pollution.
The passion, perseverance and hard work have always accompanied Mereghetti family in this activity, with a single purpose: CUSTOMER SATISFACTION.